了解那些使皇冠体育成为任何人都可以实现专业目标的地方的人, 教育, and personal goals.

Dual enrollment student uses artificial intelligence to protect and serve

Published September 11, 2024

This article was featured in the September edition of the Owl Brief newsletter.

在观看《皇冠体育app》(Suits)和《皇冠体育》(Scandal)等社会政治惊悚剧的成长过程中,17岁的伊格贝克莱奥卢瓦拉顿·“伊格贝克莱”·丹尼尔斯(Igbekele Daniels)受到启发,通过道德黑客成为了一名解决世界问题的人. In the Nigerian Yoruba culture, Igbekeleoluwaladun means “my trust in God is sweet,他找到了利用技术和网络安全来保护他人的最佳方式.

“我想为我的国家服务,我相信道德黑客是我能做到的最好方式,丹尼尔斯说. “Hacking kind of has a negative connotation to it. That's why I like to use the word ethical hacking. I want to hack, but I just don't want to do it maliciously.”

Daniels is a high school senior at Henry A. Wise High School in Upper Marlboro, 马里兰, and a dual enrollment student at Prince George’s 社区 College. 他渴望成为一名科技企业家,拥有一家专门研究人工智能的咨询公司, 云计算, 和金融.

“I started coding at the age of 10,丹尼尔斯说. “I always really liked it. I found it challenging, nice, and competitive.”

他的父母于1999年从尼日利亚移民到马里兰州,并教会他教育的价值和强大的个人理财技能. 丹尼尔斯说,他6岁时开始了解股票市场,14岁时用生日礼物买了第一次股票.

他说:“从小到大,我常常和父亲在华尔街发生的变化上产生共鸣。. “我喜欢了解市场波动的原因以及商业影响.”

In addition to being a student, 丹尼尔斯目前是一家小型科技初创公司的人工智能和云实习生, FUWA and Company. 此前,他在霍华德大学机器人团队的指导下制造了无人机. 他希望利用自己的职业生涯建立一个基金会,为其他有色人种在STEM职业中创造机会.

“As people of color, we all have to overcome adversity because of the fact that we are people of color,他说. “但, I feel as though, if you do your best and you are one of the best at what you do, it's kind of hard to tell you no.”

Daniels works diligently to achieve his best. 他最近完成了一个关于人工智能模型的实习顶点项目,该模型使用自然语言处理来提取用户的词汇, 方言, or jargon to respond in a similar form. He is excited about the new frontier of technology that AI will bring.

他说:“由于潜在的数据安全风险,人工智能也将创造大量就业机会。. “AI can be very reckless. The internet as a whole can be very reckless, 但这就是为什么我们需要更多的人来创造有助于减轻这些风险的创新.”

丹尼尔斯选择参加PGCC,因为他想推进他的事业,而还在高中的学生. 他计划在霍华德大学这样的传统黑人学院或大学完成他的大学学业, 豪斯, or North Carolina A&T.

“PGCC给了我资源和机会,我需要网络和学习领域的关键方面,我想进入进入四年制大学之前冒险,他说. “我相信,我周围都是志同道合的人,他们教会了我更多关于生活和我想进入的领域的知识.”


Makal Matthews being sworn in as SGA 总统.

New Student Government Association 总统 sworn in

Published August 13, 2024

This article was featured in the August edition of the Owl Brief newsletter.

他从蹒跚学步的时候就开始竞选总统,他的目标是成为美国的最高职位. In middle school, 他当选为班长,这一成就使马卡尔·马修斯确信他可以成为一名美国学生.S. 总统.

“我小时候最大的愿望之一就是参加选举,”马修斯说. “I really do think that once I put my mind to it, I can do anything. 我的热情在于想给人们一种感觉,他们可以依靠别人而不是自己来寻求帮助. 作为一名领导者,最重要的事情之一就是人们应该能够依靠你, 如果没有帮助, then at least the truth.”

虽然马修斯还没有成为美国行政部门的领导人, his political career is off to a running start. 2024年6月, 这位19岁的年轻人宣誓就任皇冠体育学生会协会新任主席. 他期待着服务和支持PGCC的校园生活,包容的热情好客和促进公民参与.

“I believe in catering to our community because community is everything,他说. “I want students to get involved in government and public service because I think we, 有时, rely on others to do it for us. If you look at older generations, 他们不能等任何人,也不等任何人告诉他们出去抗议.”

Matthews grew up between Prince George’s County and Washington, D.C. He attended Parkdale High School in Riverdale, 马里兰, and says a lot of his former high school classmates attend PGCC. He decided to attend PGCC for its affordability, commitment to diversity, and attention to student welfare.

“I wouldn't even be in college right now had it not been for PGCC,” Matthews said. “Or, I'd be in massive amounts of debt trying to get through college. 我来到PGCC是因为我看到了社区,有一种团结在学生周围的感觉. 我可以从猫头鹰市场和女性哺乳舱等产品中看到这一点. It was obvious from the beginning that this school cared about students.”

Before becoming PGCC’s latest Student Government Association 总统, Matthews gained experience in other civil servant roles, 包括代表乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)抗议,以及在冠状病毒大流行期间与PG ChangeMakers学生倡导者一起倡导防护装备.

他还曾担任乔治王子地区学生政府协会(PGRASG)的副主席,并曾在美国国会与美国政府合作.S. 代表. 弗雷德里卡·威尔逊除了美国众议院特别委员会调查一月. 6 Attack on the United States Capitol. He describes his time working on Capitol Hill as formative and unforgettable.

“看着会议厅是我永远不会忘记的事情,因为那是一种知道这里是民主发生的地方的氛围. 几十年来,甚至几个世纪以来,人们都来到这里,聚集在一起,创建一个更好的联盟. 这是一段美妙的经历,我将永远珍惜,直到我去世的那一天。.

现在领导PGCC的学生自治协会,马修斯渴望继续PGCC的 核心的承诺 to Students First.

“We have a certain hands-on approach that a big university just doesn't have, and they won't have it because it's in the name ‘community,’”他说。. “我们为公众维持这些项目是至关重要的,因为不是每个人都有机会进入四年制大学. Not everyone gets accepted into a four-year university, and not everybody wants to go to a four-year university.”

马修斯准备在2024-2025学年在PGCC提高他的领导技能,并承诺大学毕业后竞选国会议员. As a future world leader, he is confident in his path and call to public service.

“领导 is accountability. It's honesty,他说. “A leader is someone who will go out on a limb and is willing to lay down their life, 他们的钱, 他们不管, for what they believe in.”